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Your First Visit

Before your first visit:

1] Request an appointment. I will confirm your time and day.

2] Complete the Health History Form below, print it and bring it with you. (No information will be sent online.)    

>> Confidential Health History Form

What To Expect

On your first visit, I will do an assessment - asking questions about your general health, specific injuries and whether you are under a doctor's care. We will review your confidential health history form (you should complete this at home - see above).

I will go over your health history with you to determine your treatment needs and goals. I may also ask you to stand or walk and observe your posture. 

This is the time for you to ask any questions you have. The entire process takes only a few minutes.

I will then give you instructions on how to lie on the table (face up/down etc.) I will be out of the room while you are changing.

The massage room is clean, private and quiet. I like to use music to enhance your relaxation. If you don't wish to have music, you're free to ask for quiet time. 

For other questions you may have, please look through the FAQ.

© Massaging For Health, Toronto

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